SinoRussian Military Alliance

 The Russians have many problems with China. Why would they choose to help Beijing. Especially so when Beijing's wolf warriors, have already laid claims to Vladivostok.

For Russia, a relationship with China is more of a necessary evil in the background of American sanctions.

It is a fact that the two won't be outright enemies especially when both

  • Are presided over by strong men
  • Share a hatred of the west particularly USA
  • Both share almost the same type of government , with a veneer of communism

However, because both countries act in accordance with their own interests, which might not always be identical, relations between the two are souring fast. The reasons:

I. Increasing Chinese dominance in Central Asia- Russia views the area as it's backyard. Be it in trade or infrastructure or any other aspect. Russia has to play second fiddle to Beijing. This is not welcome news as far as the Russians are concerned.    Tajikistan Approves New Chinese Base As Beijing's Security Presence In Central Asia Grows Chinese troops too are stationed in the region.

II. Russian softpower in the region is waning —

There is no doubt that due to historical links and others, Russian softpower is still dominant but Beijing is fast making inroads

III. Geo-political importance of the Arctic — The Arctic can solve China's Malacca dilemma. The region is also very resource rich. 

However, as the country to share the largest land border with it, Russia does not want any foreign country to claim a stake to it. Russia is also promoting it as a viable alternative to the he Suez canal Russia Floats Arctic Shipping Route as ‘Viable’ Suez Canal Alternative - The Moscow Times

IV. Lack of Intelligence sharing between Russia & China — An arrangement like the Five Eyes would have served as a platform to iron out differences while serving to emphasize common concerns.

V.  Russian Far East —The area is a thorn in the side of Moscow. Poor, underdeveloped and subject to Chinese wandering in and settling down. Russia is concerned that the demographic profile of the region may change especially so as Beijing has shown an active interest in the resource rich region. The Chinese investment is fueling both the stagnating economy and tensions with the local population, as the proceeds from the extraction of raw materials from here are widely seen to line pockets in the west, rather than enriching local communities. The fact that this investment has been accompanied by mass Chinese migration is amplifying fears that the region is within the sights of an expansionist Beijing.

A history of separatism, the underdevelopment of the region and consequently the schism between its East and West and changing demographic profile of the region make Moscow apprehensive of secessionist sentiments, which could be stoked by neighboring powers, particularly China.

➤ Russia views Indian capital and labor in the RFE as a way to offset China’s overwhelming presenceIncreased Indian presence in this region, enhances its influence in China’s immediate neighborhood.

The Chennai-Vladivostok maritime route would in addition to increasing India’s presence in the South China Sea, counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) too.

The India-Russia relationship in the Russian Far East is thus complementary whereas the same cannot be said of the Sino Soviet relationship.


To sum up, any sort of military alliance between the two is highly improbable. However, in the unlikely event that it did happen, it sure would be a global game changer
