France & Germany bats for Russia

Of immediate concern to the West, is Not an impoverished Russia reeling under US sanctions but a belligerent and rabid China under the pugnacious and truculent leadership of Xi Jinping.

Germany is a heavyweight in the EU and post Merkel, decidedly hostile to China. The main factor behind Berlin’s resolve to embrace Putin's Russia  is the desire to stop China.
Read: German warship Diplomacy

The Vice Admiral insisted that the comments were made in a private capacity. However, Kiev summoned the German ambassador to the country, Anka Feldhusen, on Saturday over the issue, terming the remarks as “unacceptable.” He was forced to step down when the German Defense Ministry immediately distanced itself from the controversial statements, with its spokesperson characterizing the vice-admiral’s comments as not reflecting “in any way the position” of the ministry, both “in terms of the content and choice of words."
Read: Controversial Personal opinion

However, this exposes the difference of opinion and the fissures in the EU. The EU weakened by BREXIT is headed by Emmanuel Macron of France who is still smarting from the AUKUS debacle. 
AUKUS — Differing Perspectives

New Delhi — having close relations with both the West and Russia— finds itself in the middle of an evolving understanding between Germany and Russia. That Germany really wants to bury the hatchet, is evident for this sentiment has been expressed before.
Read: Engage Russia economically — Germany

These German overtures make perfect sense.
Europe is dependent on Russia for energy

  • Thus, Germany wants to stay on the right side of Moscow. Though a critic of the Nord  Stream 2 gas pipeline project for long, the Biden administration says the project is critical to America. 
    Read: No sanctions on Nord Stream 2
    This could also explain why Germany has avoided providing any kind of military support to Ukraine. Not only that, Germany has also been accused of preventing Estonia from helping Ukraine. ReadGerman roadblock for Estonia
  • The hawkish anti China government in Germany is now trying to play into the fault lines in the Sino-Russia relationship. It wants Putin's help against a stronger China.
By the way things are shaping up, it would be safe to say that Germany is getting much needed help from France. 
