What does God want ?

What could the omnipotent creator of an entire universe—a creator that can, literally, have anything He wants—possibly want? King David too wondered the same thing.

The one word that sums up God’s desires, as we can understand them, is Fellowship. God didn’t create humankind for slavish, forced love and worship. Learning what God put us here for helps us define who we are and what we are meant to do. And when we know His plans for us, we’ll have the right compass to guide us through life. All people have a common purpose, which is to bring glory to God.

On Earth

God wants us to worship and love Him. The Bible states that despite knowing God, if we fail to worship Him, we’re no better than demons.

The phrase “Fear Of The Lord” is just Victorian English. The phrase translates into a kind of reverential awe tempered by love , respect, obedience , submission and so on. As shown in the above verse, even the Son of God required it. It is an essential component of prayer and worship of the Lord.

Initially God had planned something special for the Israelites. The omnipotent Master Craftsman, had a marvelous plan for them.

We are all prone to fall a prey to the weakness of our flesh. This was what happened to the Israelites too. Due to their repeated disobedience and intransigence of God's laws, that soon had to be abandoned. As a result, this offer is extended to the gentile believers too.

The Old Testament itself contains hints that God would someday extend His salvation to the Gentiles -

It was also included in his promises to Abraham (ref Genesis 12:3, Genesis 22:18).

Mankind’s relationship with God, nature, and each other was marred following the Fall (ref Genesis 3). However, the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross made a way for us to be in relationship with God again. Above all, though, we must first seek a relationship with our Heavenly Father who is pure unadulterated love “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” [1 John 4:8; KJV]

In His immense love, He did not even hesitate to give up His Only begotten son - the sinless one - to redeem us from our sins(ref Ephesians 1:5)

In Eternity

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” [Hebrews 9:27; KJV]

Man’s eternal destiny holds one of two outcomes: eternity in the presence of God (heaven) or eternity removed from God’s presence and all that is good (hell). Those who will spend eternity in heaven are those who have trusted in Jesus Christ; while those who will spend eternity in hell are those who rely on themselves.

Man is a unique creation :

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” [Genesis 2:7; KJV]. - whereas the others were created by the Word of God (ref Genesis 1)

The devil might whisper otherwise for he takes a special delight in belittling human beings and leading them astray, for we are made in the very image of God (ref Genesis 1:26), whom he hates.

Just as God is the perfect Saviour, He is also the perfect judge. The sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ foreshadowed in Leviticus 17:11 was the only way to satisfy both these attributes of His (ref Romans 3:24–26).

This is in short what God wants of us. We hear more about these people when St Paul said :

In other words, God

      1. wants a special people
      2. plans to indwell them.
