ᦔꫀꪑꪮꪀᦓ & ꪻꫝꫀ ꫝ/ᦓρ꠸᥅꠸ꪻ

This query stems because of some common misperceptions in the church of today.

Without a life full of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to build the body of Christ. If the demoniac is to be delivered from the he evil spirit and worship the true Lord in the Spirit and the truth as the Bible says then the Holy Spirit has to be present inside each of us. As an analogy, take the case of a teacher. A student needs the teacher so that they can pass the examination Not after they have passed it !!

The Holy Spirit is the church’s greatest ally in its evangelizing effort. Without the help and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, the evangelistic task of the church would fail. Anyone who does not testify of Jesus Christ does not show evidence of being filled by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit who indwells the Christian, lives in the believer’s spirit. The demons that are in people dwell in their flesh and in their mind and emotions. So, demons and the Holy Spirit can exist inside of the same person. As I mentioned in an earlier post “The devil uses our mental space as his battlefield to wage war against us.”. Which is why the Lord said -

Thus it is of great import to distinguish between an unbeliever and a believer when addressing this issue.


An unbeliever would have no hope of keeping the demonic entities out, once they've been cast out. The unclean spirits would go right back into the unsaved person, which is why the Bible says:


The Biblical concept of Salvation is a rather recurrent and multidimensional theme. However, the most common meaning of salvation is to be saved by God from the consequences of our sin. It does not imply in any way, that we are not prone to fallibilities of the flesh and will not sin in the future. Thus when a person receives salvation, they are saved from sins (IF confessed)

In other words, Salvation does not mean that one is automatically delivered from everything bad in them. While this is a possibility, if it was the way it happened every time to every person, there would be no sick people in the church. And certainly the notion among some section of church goers that once you receive salvation, you can take it easy, is Not Biblical

There are a lot of deceived people that do not understand how this works, because

  1. it has not been preached like it should be by pastors that are afraid to talk about it because they will lose their money.
  2. People do not take the time to read God's word to humanity
  3. fear (a spirit that God did not give us, yet is widely prevalent in the church)

The scripture states:

Well, I would have to say if that is the case, then the church of today would be hard put to manage a bridal gown, maybe a bikini not more ...and you can't get married in that 😂🤣😂

People in the majority of churches are not receiving the full Gospel, or what the Word of God teaches (atleast in India, which is where I am) Now if you are under curses of witchcraft, there are a few things that you need to do before you can be free from them.

  • Make a spiritual inventory of yourself This will help you see where the weakness that allowed these curses to follow on you are. Curses cannot fall on a believer who is in right relation with God.

  • Be sure to check if you have anyone to forgive. Believers are commanded by Our Lord to forgive others as He forgives us. A deliverance minister should be able to help you incase there are things that you cannot forgive people for.

However , please do remember, there's a difference between forgiving someone and sweeping it under the rug and ignoring it. And we are called to not only forgive but bless those who curse us.

I trust this addresses your concern
