Tolerance or lack of it, bodes ill for any society and by tinkering with statistics – as some countries are prone to do – the current government in India is attempting to hide its ineptitude.

The incumbent government have time and again been accused of “FASCISM”. Albeit at present it is just progressing towards the all-embracing form. The current government, in the world’s oldest democracy is inspired by “cultural nationalism” as is evident from this link:

It is also accused of ‘sacralizing politics’. Modi’s Beef ban which was later suspended by the Supreme Court is an example in point.

The party’s view can be gauged not by what is spoken by its top brass but by those that make up its lower rung. If this be the case, then this link surely provides an insight into the BJP.

It cannot be denied that religion may provide a common linkage between formerly antagonistic state units. However, in religiously pluralistic societies like India a heightened emphasis on religion as a basis of state identity is destabilising.
Inflation is rising and the dreams of the 5 trillion economy is just that “DREAMS”. The national currency is sinking.
